I once visited a local Café and ordered Hot Chocolate. Didn’t expect much of it and thought it would be one of those powdered ready-made Cocoa mix. I was pleasantly surprised by how delicious this hot chocolate was. So, I decided to make such hot chocolate myself and looked for recipes. But I couldn’t find any raw Cacao without sugar. The 100% chocolates I could found after a lot of searching are

Fig. 1: 100% chocolates I found on Amazon but the Sevenhills Cacao Mass is much cheaper. [Disclaimer]


  • Cacao
  • Milk
  • Cream
  • Spices (Optional)
  • Orange Zest (Optional)
  • Sugar or other sweeteners (Optional)


  1. Take around 5 pieces of cacao mass.

    Sevenhills Cacao Mass

  2. Add the cacao and heavy cream to a bowl on medium heat. The high fat in the heavy cream makes the Cacao flavor come out

  3. Stir with a spoon (preferably wooden to not destroy the non-stick bowl) until it looks like this. At this point you have very thick Keto hot chocolate (more like a pudding) and you can already consume it this way.

  4. For the drink, add milk while continuing to stir

  5. Add a pinch of Chilli, 3 pinches of Cinnamon powder or one stick, 2 pinches of Cardamom or 2 pods and 3 Cloves. You can also add Orange Zest for a true mulled chocolate feeling. You can also optionally add sugar or any other sweeteners, depending on your taste.

  6. Let it simmer on low heat while stirring once in a while. The longer you leave it simmer, the thicker the hot chocolate becomes.

  7. Enjoy!!